Statement from New Yorkers for Affordable Energy on the Climate Action Council’s Formation of Advisory Panels and Working Groups

September 9, 2020

“Last month, the Climate Action Council announced the formation of six advisory panels and two working groups to help determine a range of emission reductions within each sector to help meet the statewide emission reduction goals, as set by the CLCPA.

What is troubling about these panels and working groups is that they include a very minimal to no representation from the sectors of the energy industry that provide the majority of New York’s power. Whether by design or mistake, this oversight does not help further our shared goal of a clean energy future.

With nearly 60% of New Yorkers relying on natural gas and oil for their energy needs and natural gas accounting for 57% more reductions in carbon emissions over the last 15 years, representatives from these sectors have key insights that can help New York reach its emissions goals, in a way that others may not.

We strongly encourage the Climate Action Council to reconsider their decision and ensure that representatives from the entire energy industry have a seat at the table. It’s an more affirmative way to ensure informed decisions on the best path forward.”